Residents of areas surrounding Maseno University have blamed high insecurity cases in the recent past in the area on student politics. Some sources claim that student-leader hopefuls used insecurity as one of the major stepping stones to their political success. “All this was made up by the student contestants so that they could woo their voters by addressing the issue during their campaigns,” claimed Bernard, a businessman at Maseno market. With the insecurity cases falling sharply immediately after the elections, residents have affirmed the blame on the political tensions caused by the student campaigns. “Why has nobody been attacked by robbers ever since the students finished voting?” asked Sabi, a renowned hotelier in the township. “These students lose valuables, like laptops every time, yet villagers don't get into their hostels,” he added. It is believed that some aspirants went to the point of hiring thugs to harass students and then later pose as 'good Samaritans’ in order to get favours from the electorate.

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