Students from Bahati Constituency have been urged to form village study groups, especially at this time when teachers are on strike.

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Speaking at Kiamaina secondary school, Bahati Constituency Development Fund Chairman, Mwangi Njue said that students need to come together and study on their own, even with the absence of teachers.

Njue advised students, saying they can appoint one of them to lead in group discussions as they wait for their teachers to return.

“Group discussions are very vital at this time, because it becomes easier to study in a group due to the encouragement that comes from fellow students. For those who cannot access libraries, they can use the groups as the best study mode at this time,” said Mwangi.

“Candidate show will be sitting for their final examinations this year must stop wasting time and start preparing as early as this. They should read ahead of their teachers because time is also running,” he added.

Mwangi at the same time revealed plans to construct a constituency community library, which will be used by students during school holidays.

“We need to have our own library so that we can keep our children busy at times like this when teachers are not available, and the plans are underway to have a modern and big library here in the coming days,” added Mwangi.