Taking alcohol has its benefits [Photo/redOrbit]

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Getting drunk every weekend may not be the best for your overall physical and mental health, however, moderate alcohol consumption does have some surprising health benefits. Here are a few:

Lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. Moderate amounts of alcohol raises levels of high-density lipoprotein, HDL, or good cholesterol and higher HDL levels are associated with greater protection against heart disease.  This can prevent the formation of small blood clots that can block arteries in the heart, neck, and brain.

Lengthens your life span. Contrary to what you may have heard drinking occasionally could add a few years to your life.  Reports show that drinking less than four or two drinks per day for men and women respectively could reduce the risk of death by 18 percent.

Helps prevent against the common cold. Studies show susceptibility to the common cold is increased by smoking, moderate alcohol consumption led to the decrease in common cold cases for nonsmokers. Researchers found that by drinking eight to 14 glasses of wine per week, particularly red wine, could see a 60-percent reduction in the risk of developing a cold.