Kisii Primary School head teacher Grace Nyamweya has refuted claims of a ‘talking tree’ which has attracted the attention of many within Kisii County and its environs.

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Allegedly, the mysterious tree has talked to pupils who were playing around the isolated area leading to one pupil fainting and later being taken home.

“Those are rumours being peddled around. We are receiving calls over the claims but we are very categorical that such an incident has never been reported within our school compound,” the head teacher said.

Ibrahim Oyieko, a pupil at the school allegedly witnessed the incident saying that they were playing around the area and heard an echo calling a name of a pupil they were playing with.

“We heard the echo calling, ‘Sheila, Sheila, I know you come and give me water’, which made us nervous and we had to go call our teachers who were adamant to reach the area,” he said.

From the mysterious tree, it is said that at first instance it was oozing blood and at some point some writings could be seen.

Dorcas Wanyoike, aged six and also from the school, said that the tree could call their name and writings could be seen.

Bodaboda operators later cut down the tree saying it was demonic.

“This is a demonic tree and has to be cut down,” one of the operators said.

Investigation is underway to ascertain the truth behind the mysterious tree.