Tea pickers at work. Farmers in Marani, Kisii are a happy lot after the completion of a buying centre in the area. (Photo/Nation)

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Tea growers in Ichabe, Marani Kisii County have expressed their happiness after the completion of the new Ichabe tea buying center. 

The farmers on Friday said in the past, they were forced to walk for long distances to take tea leaves for weighing.

They now believe the completion of the centre will be a major boost to their monthly incomes and yearly bonuses.

“We can now smile after our prayers to have Ichabe tea buying center have been answered. We have been making losses because we used to walk long distances to take tea leaves for weighing at a far collecting center. Now that we have a new center, we hope there will be no losses since tea leaves will be weighed immediately at the center,” said Olpha Kerubo. 

Kerubo further said the quality of their products will not be affected, as was the case in the past when the long distances affected the weight and quality of the leaves. 

Eunice Ombati, another farmer said it has been 2 years of struggle to have a new buying center in the area. 

“It has been a long journey since we started plans to have a new tea collection center in the area. God has answered our prayers and all those who helped us in the construction will be blessed,” said Mrs. Ombati.