Eldoret, the City of Champions is located in Rift Valley Region and is mostly inhabited by the Kalenjin community.

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Many visitors in the town feel odd when residents talk to them in Kalenjin since they cannot understand a single word in the native language.

Therefore, there is need to know simple Kalenjin words mostly used in the town just to make sure you blend in and not feel left out.

Here are simple Kalenjin words you should know before visiting Eldoret town:

1. Chamgei 

' Chamgei ' is a form of greeting meaning hello. When someone tells you 'chamgei' he/she is simply greeting you.

2. Chamgei mising

When someone greets you 'chamgei' you respond with ' chamgei mising.' It is a response to ' chamgei '

3. Yamonei

'Yamonei' is a commonly used word in Eldoret town meaning how are you.

4. Mamogi

When you are hit with the 'Yamonei' popular phrase in Eldoret town you should respond with 'mamogi' meaning I am fine.

5. Kongoi

When someone does you good it is good manners to appreciate. To say thank you in Kalenjin you simply say 'kongoi'

6. Seiseri

'Seiseri' means goodbye or see you later. When you want to see off a friend in Kisii or someone you love just say 'seiseri'

7. Mutyo

When you have done someone wrong and you want to apologize just say ' mutyo'. It means sorry in Kalenjin.

8. Runemie

' Runemie ' means goodnight or sleep tight in Kalenjin.

9. Chepkondok

' Chepkondok ' is the word used to refer to money in kalenjin.

10. Achamin

And finally to the lovebirds, if you dating someone from Eldoret town surprise him/her by ' achamin' this simply means I love you.

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