The Member of Parliament of Kikuyu Kimani Ichung’wa has accused the judiciary of sabotaging the executive functions due to their various judgment and orders they have issued before.
Kimani accused chief justice David Maraga for aiding various judges who he referred to as ‘cartels’ in order to make the country ungovernable.
Kimani ichung'wa said, “How on earth can an activist lawyer go to a judge and within five minutes comes out with a court order without the accused being given a right to be heard”
Ichung’wa said this while on a morning political radio show on radio jambo. The MP has stated he is not scared and will stand firm to fight against the judicial ‘cartels’.
Among the guest on the radio show was former makadara MP Bernard mutura who also expressed his disappointment on the judiciary on how it has conducted its self as an independent institution.
Mr. Mutura said many cases for Kenyans have been ‘lying’ on the shelves waiting to be heard but some cases for the ‘big fish’ are heard and ruled within days.