Easter season is here. Expectations are high, and so are the actions.
Monday marked the start of the Holy week among the Christians.
It is a commemorative week, repentance and as Pope Francis had called on the believers at the beginning of the year; The Year of Mercy.
Genuine believers will be having an end of the rent season.
Others realise the existence of Easter season by the holiday days. This is a bunch that acts as experts in enjoying the days.
These are the patrons and domestic tourists who will be well versed on the exact meaning of holiday enjoyment.
They'll make calls to the cohorts in the bush, reminding them of how much fun they had last December.
They'll book not only the best joints in the local shopping centres, but also bump into the high school sweethearts.
This is the season that the kids who aren't slightest similar to one of the parents are made! A product of reminiscing the olden days.
The face of the holiday that is meant to celebrate the commemoration of salvation and passion of Christ, sends a totally irreparable history.
The "Easterprenuers" make sales, extreme profits in the guise of offers.
A million Project X will happen in the name of 'mugithis' and before Easter Monday dawns, a good number will be cursing and regretting.
Scars both visible and invisible. Dents external and internal will be made and the Easter season will be bade goodbye with lifetime reminders.