Kenyan shisha smokers ( Photo:/'

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Lifestyle trends and styles tend to change every other year. While a few of them, such as going to a local pub for a drink or two, become an integral part of the local culture, plenty of others are quickly forgotten. Shisha smoking has been here for quite a long time though. It’s quickly becoming a first-choice leisure activity for more and more people especially the youth.

Some people gather for shisha smoking sessions at certain cafes and bars, and some do it at home in a familiar environment, but a rare hookah smoker ever wonders about the true effects of the habit on their health. It’s strange really: everyone knows about the extremely harmful nature of cigarettes, but smoking shisha is somehow widely considered to be a completely safe, risk-free practice.

However, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Hookah smoking can be as damaging, addictive, and dangerous as cigarettes, because the tobacco is no less toxic in a water-pipe. In fact, a habitual shisha smoker might breathe in much more poisonous fumes during an hour-long session than a typical cigarette smoker inhales in a few days. Obviously, this can cause a wide array of long-term health risks, including cancer and heart, skin, and gum diseases.

Pretty much every shisha smoker will tell you that they can quit anytime and they keep doing it just because it’s highly enjoyable. The nicotine in hookah tobacco is as addictive as the one in cigarettes though, so completely quitting shisha might take some time. Quit shisha today and you’ll notice improvements in your health and quality of life in no time!