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Kibera Black Stars is a local soccer team that started in 1989 and is rising so fast. 

It is the only team in Kibra currently playing in National Super League. 

At the end of 2017, they were among the best rising clubs in the 2nd league with most of their matches aired live on Bamba TV. 

The team is facing the challenge of playing home matches in Kibra due to dilapidated soccer fields. 

They are currently constructing a new Isaac pitch with support from friends in Europe through crowdfunding and they are appealing to more well wishers to fully realise their dream of owning a state of art soccer pitch. 

They are also appealing to the County government and Kibra NGCDF to give a facelift to Woodley Grounds to enable them fully utilise the facility.

The club is currently supported by Safaricom, Sanofi and Tuzo.