A bold woman[Photo/Indiewire.com]Dating entails a lot, in fact it is a whole occupation on its own.
There are things that will automatically change when you start dating. There are things you used to do that you will have to stop and some you will have to start.
As a lady there are things that you should be doing differently in your relationship for better results and for your well-being if you know your self-worth.
You need to stop letting your relationship take all of you but give your all in it. Put in work for it to work out but do not let it consume you because it might not go according to your expectations. Do not overshadow your personal life by making your relationship a priority.
Do not play games. If there is one thing that an ambitious lady who knows what she wants does is, she never plays games. Do not let anyone stoop you to be the type of person that they want you to be because of their behavior or personality.
Do not be afraid to speak out what you want done and what you do not like. If you do not speak your mind out, your man will keep on taking advantage of you and of situations that may arise which is not right. Speak your mind out always.