There are usually high levels of emotions at play during the entire lovemaking cycle. Lovers, therefore, require an ample time to enjoy the game. One crucial moment to the male participants during sex is ejaculation. Here are some of the things a man does when about to ejaculate:

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Increase sex speed

You can easily tell if a man is headed to the finish line by the change in velocity in bed. An upsurge in energy and drastic increase in the pumping speed denotes the time for ejaculation is near. A man cannot be about to ejaculate and maintain the same speed as before.

Hold a lady tightly

Men are crazy at times. When almost to ejaculate, they usually think that the lady might escape or interfere at such a crucial moment. To make sure their interests are well served, they will hold a lady tightly when just about to release. Holding her closely also creates the proper warmth necessary for ejaculation.

Gaze at one point and increase concentration

As the time to the big moment grows near and near, the man seems to become more alert, concentrate more on the act and focus at a given point. He will try to shut out all possible distractors as he pays attention to the emotional connections at play and anticipate the ultimate sweetness of ejaculation.