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We are in an age where we have the opportunity to learn from the mistakes that others make and not necessarily our own mistakes.Age always catches up with us all,it is important to do some of these things before you get to your 30s and avoid regrets when you hit it.

Not having time with family.The family should always be a priority in all our dealings.Its important to make time for your family, especially your parents.The simple things that you do with your family might not be of close reach to you as they would have been before you clocked 30.

Not putting yourself first.Its important to put yourself first and drown in self-love.You need to watch what you eat and how you take care of yourself before age catches up with you, by doing so you will look younger even when you get to and beyond your 30s.

Not taking chances.Your early 20s is probably the right time and age to take your chances and try out everything you have ever wanted to because you have room to make mistakes and correct them. Don't play life too safe.
