Chapati is one of the most popular foods in Kenyan. While some people eat Chapati only during special days such as Christmas, there are some who can afford them daily. Chapati is not only delicious but also nutritious. Have you ever asked yourself what could happen if you decided to eat Chapati every day? Well, if you want to know what is likely to happen then read on.

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First and foremost, Chapati is made from wheat flour. Wheat is rich in essential nutrients including vitamin B&E, copper, iodide, magnesium, zinc, manganese, silicon and arsenic. Other nutrients are potassium, chlorine, sulfur, calcium and mineral salts.  Even if you decided to eat white chapatis, expect them to do wonders for your body. One of the best benefits of chapatti is better skin.

The zinc contained in wheat is good for your skin. The zinc leaves your skin looking radiant and youthful. If you want to look young even when you are growing old then it is high time you ate Chapatis daily. Chapatis also improve your digestive system. 

They make your body to easily digest different foods. Combining Chapatis with other foods will make you look healthier. However, the number of chapatis you should eat should be limited.