Achieving orgasm for men takes a combination of both the brain and body motion during sex. However, the brain plays the most vital role in making this possible by releasing a number of hormones which trigger organs, blood vessels and nerves working together in tandem to stimulate ejaculation of sperm courtesy of penile muscle contractions.
So, how exactly does the brain do this? Well, according to and renowned urologist Aron Spitz the brain sends signals that find their way to almost all the nerves. The nerves then get entangled in a special part of the lower spine known as ‘spinal ejaculation center’.
“Erotic lusty smells, touches, and tastes coupled with fantasies, thoughts, and memories all bouncing around the cerebral cortex, making all kinds of interesting connections” states Dr. Spitz adding that the pituitary and hypothalamus glands situated in the lower part of the brain release hormones such as adrenocorticotropic into the bloodstream during pleasure triggering the release of testosterone which is the main hormone that compels muscles at the base of the penis to squeeze the urethra and hence pump out semen in spats.
The center part of the hypothalamus also releases feel good ‘love hormone’ oxytocin which serves to heighten pleasure and induces a sense of relaxation during and after orgasm.