Eating smart will actually make you smarter, healthier and happier. Fish is indeed a smart food that is beneficial for your health in many ways;

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Boosts immunity 

Fish supplies essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, amino acids, calcium and DHA and EPA that strengthen your immune system and help to fight disease naturally.

Keep diabetes under control 

Fish oil reduces and manages sugar levels in your blood, which help people reduce the risk of diabetes.

Increase your brain power 

Fish is also food for your brain. Eating more fish will increase your brain’s ability to process information and retain its power as we age. Children who consume fish at least two times a week are said to be more active in school work than those who don't.

Improve your heart condition 

Heart attacks and strokes are two most common causes of premature death in the world. Fish is generally considered to be among the best foods you can eat for a healthy heart.

Improve skin and hair

Fatty acids in fish are a healthy kind of fat and are what you should have to improve your hair and skin condition.

Enhances libido 

 It is known that the production of stronger sperm is linked to our diet, and men who include fish in their daily food habits may have better quality sperm.

Improves your sleep quality 

Vitamin D that is present in fish can play an important role in improving your sleep.people who regularly eat fish are said to have better sleep compared to those who don't.

Promote bone health 

As you get older, your bone density decreases. To maintain bone health, you need to supplement your diet with calcium, the main building block for your bones.