President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta during a past event.[Photo\Facebook]
President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta on Sunday staged amusement mood to the congregation after he hilariously refused to partake on Holy communion presented to him at the Anglican Church.
He argued that he was not very sure if it was quite appropriate for him to take part in it,since he believes in Catholic norms,and according to his knowledge on Catholic teachings,they don't offer communion to strangers
His sincere sentiments stole silence in the room from supporters and congregants into laughter moment after he explained to them why he was not willing to take sacrament.
"Where I come from,we don't offer communion to strangers and I was not willing to partake on it but I came to realize that this event is live and my Cardinal might be at watch.I wasn't certain to what he would have reacted on that attempt,"Uhuru explained amid brimming laughter from the spirited congregation.
To get him off the hook of doubts,Archbishop of Canterbury,Justin Welby run for his rescue assuring him that it there was no problem attuned to taking the Holy communion as it signify the body,blood soul and divinity of Jesus Christ.