Three people were on Monday night arrested in pipeline estate in Nakuru, as they tried to siphon fuel from tankers, which had been parked in the area.

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The three were arrested by Pipeline estate community policing youths, who have vowed to end the business of fuel siphoning in the area.

Confirming the arrests area chief, Ndwati Mwangi said that the three were arrested just as they had started executing their mission.

He added that the community policing youths were tipped off by a woman who was aware of the plan.

“They had planned to siphon fuel from two tankers which were packed here but their plan was unsuccessful after a woman tipped our youths about the plan and we laid a trap, which latter nabbed them as they were about to start their mission,” said Ndwati.

Ndwati added that the three middle-aged men later took them to a store within the estate, where they have been storing stolen fuel, and managed to recover paraphernalia used in siphoning fuel with one hundred liters of fuel.

“They took us to their hideout and we found one hundred liters of oil and some pipes used in siphoning fuel and we handed both the suspects and the fuel to the police who will handle the case,” he said.

In the recent past, residents of pipeline estate have fallen victim of fires caused by people who siphon fuel from tankers and the pipeline which passes through the area.