These signs are an indication that your woman has had enough of. [Photo/]

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Are you worried that your woman keeps on drawing further and further from you? Well, maybe she is fed up and she is simply trying to tell you to look elsewhere. 

Unlike men who can simply tell you to stop bothering them, women lack the courage and opt to communicate through signals hoping that you will read and understand them.

Here are some signs that you should be keen to read from your woman. They will help you detect if still loves you or you are walking alone.

Slow to respond to SMS: When a woman is in love, she's very prompt to respond to messages. If you have been sending messages only to receive the response or no response days later, you have a reason to be worried.

Gives excuses not to show up for a date: A woman who loves you can't wait to spend time with you. But if she's always creating excuses not to meet you, it's time to move on with your life.

Plays with her phone all the time: Sometimes, we keep ourselves busy when we are bored or angered by our partners. However, if she has made it a habit to chat and play games on her phone when you are talking to her, it's a sign that she has had enough of you.

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