If you are working in a toxic culture place, then the noxious will spoil you from being the best to your worse in a matter of days.

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However a great culture in a work place makes people work and deliver their best to the company.

Below are signs that your work place culture is toxic.

1. Meetings and secrets

When the whole team is engaged to talk and plan on the future and how they are going to work to increase productivity, then that is a meeting.

But when certain team players meet and talk without involving or sharing with others, then those are secrets. This is not the right environment to grow.

2. I am the boss, I’m right

If your boss makes the last decision in every decision without taking to account the opinion of his team then you are sure that the environment is toxic for your career development.

3. Job changes talk

In every little break time available everyone in the office talks about leaving the job or changing creates a negative atmosphere in the work place.

This will cause other workers to shift their focus from working to looking for jobs hence, under performance. If you find yourself in such talks, it clearly means you are part of a toxic work culture.