Members of the Luo community are a wonderful lot and fun to be around.

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Their world is full of amazing and exciting traits, backed up with a rich culture which has enabled them earn a place as one of the most respected people in both the country and the world.

In line with the culture and day to day needs, there is a set of things that each and every Luo homestead, specifically back in the village, is not complete without.

Here are some of them;

1. A straw mat

Known to many as jamvi in Swahili and 'par' in Luo, it is almost compulsory for each homestead to own the mat whose importance comes during bedtime.

It is used to accommodate visitors who cannot find a place to lay down for a night's rest, and in large families where children cannot all find a space on the bed.

The mat is spread on the floor, then lined up with blankets and all is set for the night.

2. A hen

In Luoland, all important visitors are not allowed to leave their hosts' home without enjoying a meal of ugali and chicken or fish, making the tamed birds one of the most important assets in a Luo homestead.

Unlike in towns where the birds are confined in line with the modern bird rearing techniques, in the village they are left to roam the homestead and fend for themselves.

3. A hoe

Luos are hardworking people who are also known for their strength and farming prowess and no homestead is considered complete without the simple but important cultivation tool.

Unlike in urban centers where people have resorted to congesting themselves in tiny plots, land has never been a problem in Luoland, making a hoe a compulsory asset.
