What is your dream wedding like? Anyone who has plans to marry have their own desires and wishes about the kind of wedding they would like. While some prefer doing the church wedding, others opt for the traditional type.

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The Kikuyu traditional wedding, for instance, is one of a kind characterised by the Kikuyu traditions such as dances, attires, and other traditional rituals. However, before you get to the big day, there are procedures that must be followed in Kikuyu tradition.

The three major things you must do (traditionally) before marrying a Kikuyu girl include;

Making your intentions known

Once you are decided that you want to marry a Kikuyu woman, the first thing you should do is making your intentions known to the girl's parents. In Kikuyu, this event is known as "kuhanda ithigi" literally translating to "Planting a twig". What basically happens is visiting the bride's parents and letting them know that you are planning to marry their daughter. This, therefore, means that no other man can come claiming that girl as you have already "marked" her as your woman and you are ready to marry her.

Parents from both sides meet

Before you are given the go-ahead to marry a Kikuyu girl, the girl's family has to ensure that they know your family so that they are certain that their daughter gets married to a good family. This also helps to prevent issues of marrying relatives or marrying from a clan that the parents may not approve. The groom and his parents visit the bride's parents and the two families seek to establish a friendship.

Bride price

This is the third and final stage before "ngurario" which is the Kikuyu traditional wedding. During this ceremony famously known as "ruracio", the groom's family accompanied with friends bring the dowry with them. The colorful ceremony is characterised by songs right from the entrance where the groom's family plead to be given the girl while the bride's family keeps on resisting until the two parties are in agreement. The dowry may include money, sheep, goats or cattle and it differs from one family to another.

After a successful "ruracio" ceremony, the girl and man have the blessings from elders and parents from both sides to go ahead and proceed with a traditional wedding.