A smartly dresed woman.Photo/malegroomingacademy.com
Everybody wants to look good. And if they tell you anything different, they’re lying! Nobody wants to leave the house feeling like they look horrible. People who know they look great, feel great and are able to face the day with confidence. We all know that confidence makes all the difference in the world, whether at work or a social event. But how do you make sure you look good every single day? Surely there are going to be days when you simply don’t have the time to put the finishing touches and go the extra mile. Well, there are certain things you can work into your routine to ensure you’re never caught looking less than your best. And here are six of them:
Hang, fold and iron your clothes
There are few things that will make you appear more disheveled than creased clothing. That’s why you should neatly fold and hang up your clothing as soon as they’ve been washed and dried. Many people iron their clothes before packing them away and this is okay if you don’t have much time in the mornings. But if you have an extra few minutes to spare before you leave the house, rather iron your clothes before you put them on.
Get a good night’s sleep, every night
No matter what cream you use or how much makeup you apply, bags under the eyes always show up. When you don’t sleep, your face droops and you look tired. You can’t look your best unless you’re well rested. You cannot just get a full eight hours before an important event, you have to sleep well consistently
Cleanse and moisturize
Your face is what you present to the world and therefore it needs to look its best at all times. That means you need to make sure you prevent breakouts of acne or spots by washing your face and moisturizing every single day, twice a day. This should be a strict routine and there is never an excuse to skip washing your face.
Take care of your scalp and hair
Everyone has bad hair days, but if you find you have these days more often than you’d like, you need to do something about it. Make sure you’re using the right shampoo and conditioner for your specific hair type. Nothing ruins a good hairstyle as much as dandruff can.
Keep a spare change of clothes close by
Coffee stains happen. Food stains happen. Red wine stains happen. And when they do, you don’t want to spend the rest of the day or night focusing on the mess. That’s why you should always keep a spare set of clothing in your car or your office.
Smell fresh at all times
You should know this already, but you should shower or bath at least once a day. Some people may go as far as to say twice a day. If you find you sweat at night, then you need to make sure you shower or bath in the morning. However, if you still feel and smell fresh in the morning and want to save time between waking up and going to the office, you can always shower or bath at night.
If you want to make sure you’re always looking your best, don’t wear creased clothing, get a good night’s sleep, take care of your face and hair, keep clean clothes close by, and stay clean at all times.