A man applying perfume. [Photo/Quota.Com]Putting on perfume for the whole day is something that brings one great satisfaction. Some people wonder why their perfume does not last long for the day.

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Maybe your perfume is not strong but high chances are that you have been applying it the wrong way. Here are a few tips on how to make your perfume last long.

Make sure that you are storing your perfume in the right place and in the right manner. Do not expose your perfume to heat and light which reduces the scent of the perfume. It might even make your fragrance dry up.

Always make sure you moisturize before you spray your perfume. Most people will not moisturize the part that you are going to apply your perfume on. Applying petroleum jelly on this area will help keep in the scent of the perfume and lock it up.

This is one common problem with most girls when it comes to the application of perfume. We tend to spray our perfume on our bodies, especially where there is a pulse and not on our clothes. This makes the scent last for long.