Sometimes we lose sight of ourselves. Getting lost can be a really awesome opportunity to rediscover and redefine ourselves, perhaps uncovering an even more fulfilling version of ourselves that has been trying to push its way through.
There are these strategies you can employ in order to rediscover yourself in your lifetime
1. Try a new sport or hobby by yourself
When you’re with people you just met for the first time, you can be anyone you want. So, try something new – without anyone who already knows you – and play around a little with who you can be.
2. Figure out your values
Values are very important and so, try something new – without anyone who already knows you – and play around a little with who you can be.
3. Spent time in nature
Nature help us to freshen our minds. Go out and get some fresh air or visit a new place. Try to remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be. This will help reduce stress and even slow our minds down.
4. Journal
Take some 10 minutes daily and write what you like to do, what you want to be, great things that has happened to you, something funny you like, which game you like, places you would like to visit and the good moment you can remember in your lifetime.
5. Meditate
Sometimes we need to clear up our mind and by doing so meditation is needed as it allow us change who we are.