Hacking is an unauthorized intrusion into a computer or a network. The person engaged in hacking activities is generally referred to as a hacker. 

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This hacker may manipulate or alter system or any security features to accomplish a goal that differs from the original purpose of the system.

A long time ago, hacking was happening in European countries, until recently when African countries started appearing on the receiving end with the hackers.

In a recent report, Kenya lost more than 21 billion in a single year because of cybercrime, https://hivisasa.com/posts/kenya-lost-sh21-billion-to-hackers-new-report-reveals

They say security starts with yourself, knowing what hackers might want to collect from you, can enable you to handle them in a better version. This makes it a necessity for Kenyans to understand few techniques used in cybercrime so that no much money is lost again. These techniques include: 

1. Denial of Service (DoS\DDoS)

This simply means you are denied from accessing a given site because hackers have flooded that site or server with a lot of traffic, which makes the server unable to process all the requests in the real time. It finally crashes down because of the heavy traffic to the server. Some sites slower down because of DOS

2. Eavesdropping

This technique monitors the computer systems and networks to gain some unwanted information, mostly emails, SMS, calls etc. This is so hard to recognize because it makes "no noise", meaning it is harmless. Information stolen is the one that will be used to harm the victim

3. Virus, Trojan 

This is a malicious software that hackers install on computer systems, that will be monitoring every activity done on the systems. They collect all the information and send them to the hacker. They can also lock one's files until he/ pays the ransom 

4. Phishing

This is currently the most used technique in conjunction with social engineering, where hackers can manipulate a site that one normally visits, and make a sample of it that looks similar like the original one, which is convincing enough to make one enter his or her credential including passwords and usernames. The site will then save all your information for the hacker

5. Keylogger

It is also known as 'keyboard capturing', it simply captures everything from your keypad as you key in. The captured logs are then sent to the hacker.