Currently, unwanted pregnancies have been like a plague. Most people who find themselves in this mess are young school-going girls. Most of them can’t bear the embarrassment and trauma associated with having to bear at kid at their age.

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However, there are many ways some other women are using to take control of getting unwanted pregnancies. One of the commonly used method of birth control is through the use of pills. There are many types of pills.

Here are the top five commonly used birth control pills in Kenya:

MicrogynonThese pills should be taken daily at every time indicated on the packet. They work by changing your menstrual circle. This tricks the body to think that ovulation has already occurred thus no eggs will be released from the ovaries. There will be no egg to be fertilized thus a woman will not get pregnant.

MarvelonThese pills should only be taken under a doctor’s prescriptions.  They should be taken daily for 28 days as directed by a doctor. The pills work by stopping egg maturity, prevent sperms from reaching the egg by changing the cervical mucus consistency and destroying the uterus lining.

DianeThese birth control pills are commonly known as Diane-35ED tablets. These pills are rich in progesterone and oestrogen hormones. However, a woman using these pills should never combine them with any other contraceptive.  Diane pills helps a woman have regular and light periods with less cramps. More so, she will have reduced greasiness in her skin and hair.

LogynonLogynon has 21 tablets with different combined colours of 6 light brown, 5 white and 10 ochre tablets. Each pack (different colours) is to be taken on its own day of the week as indicated on the packet. They are effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies.

MercilonThe most suitable method of birth control, which can be reversed if need be. These pills are taken daily for 21 days. They work by thickening the cervical mucus which makes it hard for sperms from entering the womb to fertilize the eggs.