There are many things that determine a person’s success in life. One of the most important things is family. Your family can either help you to be successful or hinder you from being successful. Most of the top richest people in Kenya come from rich families. Here are the top 5 richest families in Kenya:

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The Kenyatta family

The family of the founding father of the nation, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. More so, President Kenyatta comes from this family too. The family owns large portions of land all over Kenya. Their wealth is obtained from investments in Real estate, agriculture, banking, insurance and even telecommunication.

The Moi family

This is the family of retired President Moi. President Moi’s last born, Gideon Moi is currently the Baringo Senator. They have investments in eagle Airlines, First American Bank, The Sasine group of farms among many other companies. They are the second largest landowners in Kenya.

The Biwott family

The late Biwott was a very skillful businessman who invested all over the country. Before his death, he had more than 35 companies which included investments in Real estates, energy, tourism, telecommunication, air transport, agriculture and even construction. 

The Philip Ndegwa family

Philip Ndegwa is the former Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya. He is an economist and also an entrepreneur. His family has assets all over the country equally spread. His family has investments in transport, banking, insurance, air transport, Real estates, industry and even agriculture.

The Kibaki family

Mwai Kibaki is the 3rd president of Kenya. His family is the third in the largest land ownership in Kenya. More so, his family has investments in Real estate, banking, agriculture, insurance, telecommunication and even tourism.