Fibroids are non-cancerous fibrous growths that develop in the uterus. 

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According to John Hopkins Medicine, fibroids are harmless in most cases and 20-70% of women tend to develop fibroids in their reproductive years.

However, in as much as they are harmless in most cases, they should never be ignored since they can cause complications leading to reproductive problems. 

Depending on the size and the location of the fibroids, they may affect the fertility of a woman hence the need to watch out for any signs that you could be having fibroids.

Some of the most common signs of fibroids include;

Heavy and painful menstrual bleeding

This is one of the most common signs that you could be having fibroids. 

Usually, you bleed more than normal and the cramps become more unbearable. 

In severe cases, the heavy bleeding could lead to being anaemic and you should thus see a doctor as soon as you note the change in your menstrual bleeding.

Back pains

This could also be a sign that you have fibroids. If the fibroid is on the outer wall of the uterus, it may press the nerves on your back muscles leading to severe lower back pains that could hinder you from undertaking your daily activities.

Painful intercourse

Depending on the size and the location of the fibroid, sexual intercourse may be uncomfortable and a time painful. 

The pain may vary depending on the time of the month as well as the sex position. 

If you experience this kind of thing, visit a gynaecologist for an examination.

Frequent urination

As they grow, fibroids may exert pressure on the bladder reducing its capacity to hold urine. 

This in return leads to an increased urge to visit the bathroom more regularly. 

Even after relieving yourself, you may still feel like your bladder is full and you need to see a doctor earliest possible.

Long periods

Are you experiencing long periods than normal? 

It could be a sign that you have uterine fibroids. 

If you notice that you are menstruating for a longer period extending up to more than seven days, seek medical attention.