Nairobi city. [PHOTO/Courtesy]

Is there a story unfolding in your community? Let Hivisasa know

Nairobi has distinguished itself as a unique city in the world with its own culture.

From the way people live to how they conduct their trade to the physical features in the city, nothing beats its attractions to tourists from within the country and out.

The following are the attractions:

1. Nairobi National Park

Nairobi National Park entrance, nairobi national park

Entrance of the Nairobi National Park [PHOTO/Courtesy]

Here you will always find all your safari needs for just Sh5000. A little fee for you will see you watch the big five in the city.

2. Safari Walk

The Safari Walk is positioned at the main entrance of Nairobi National Park and will be your great place to be if you want to learn about Kenya’s parks and reserves. You will also view a wide variety of animals.

3. Animal Orphanage

The Nairobi Animal orphanage is another attraction situated at the main entrance of the national park. It is your greatest place to be if you want to be close and personal with all kinds of wild animals. 

Here, you will get the opportunity to play with animals including a cheetah. 

4. Giraffe Centre

It is located next to the popular Giraffe Manor (hotel that features giraffes). Here, one can have a touch and direct feel of the giraffes.

Photos are also allowed.

5. Kibera slums

Kibera is one of the largest slums in the world. 

Kibera slums in Nairobi. [PHOTO/Courtesy]

Although most people wouldn’t consider it an attraction, look at it from the fame it commands as a top informal settlement globally.

The lifestyle and good hearts of residents will fascinate you.

6. Maasai Market

It is the place you want to buy all of your tourist souvenirs from Kenya.  You can find it in Nairobi's CBD on weekends with a massive collection of all kinds of native stuff to buy.  These range from clothes to wooden and brass carvings.

7. Matatu Culture

If Nairobi stands tall among other African cities, the matatu culture will always by that key.

Inside a Local Matatu. [PHOTO/Courtesy]

Blaring sound systems with giant flatscreen TVs will be part of your experience. Neon lights at night and celebrity paintings during the day will be something to write home about. But be careful where your wallet and phone are!