[Raphael Tuju in a past event. He escaped an attack by angry NASA supporters. Photo/Nation]

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Jubilee Secretary General Rahael Tuju on Saturday struggled to address a charged crowd at Aram village in Siaya when he attacked NASA leader Raila Odinga.

The one time Rarieda MP had gone to mourn with former Kenyan ambassador to Washington DC Rateng' Ogego who had lost his mother.

A charged crowd jeered Tuju when he termed Raila's swearing-in as 'meaningless', forcing the angry crowd to desert the funeral.

On realising the danger that awaited him few meters from the scene, Tuju was hurriedly escorted by plain- cloth police officers in two land-cruisers from the compound.

It is not the first time critics of Raila Odinga facing hostility from supporters given that babu Namwamba and Miguna Miguna have been victims in the past.

Last month, Tuju was appointed to cabinet by President Uhuru Kenyatta as minister without portfolio.