President Uhuru Kenyatta in military uniform. Photo: hekaheka.comA group of ODM party youths has issued the Head of State a five-day ultimatum to stop intimidating Mombasa Governor Hassan Ali Joho or be prepared for an unspecified severe action.

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The youth, led by John Ketora, were speaking at Orange House, where they claimed the State was behind the current 'frustrations' facing Joho.

"We are not happy at all. The government should stop intimidating Joho or there will be countrywide demonstrations," Ketora said on Wednesday.

Ketora claimed that the government should stop using its agencies such as the DCI to intimidate the Mombasa county chief just because he does not subscribe to its ideologies.

SONU leader Babu Owino also echoed Ketaro's statements.

"They may use all machinery of power to stop this but Kenyans have already resolved that we cannot watch as our leaders are being harassed and distracted from performing their constitutional duties," he said.

Joho has made headlines in the past few weeks, with Kenyans expressing mixed reactions on claims that he forged his KCSE certificate.