[Cord leader Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta. Photo/nation.co.ke]

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A recent survey has revealed that if elections were held today, President Uhuru would win the election in the first round, garnering 51 per cent of the votes ahead of Raila's 24 per cent.

The survey conducted among 2000 eligible voters in 16 counties, showed that Raila Odinga is still, however, the most popular presidential flagbearer in the opposition.

He led the coalition at 51 per cent, ahead of Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Amani party leader Musalia Mudavadi who each got 3 per cent. Senate minority leader Moses Wetangula did not get any votes.

The survey, conducted by the Star, was done between March 15 and 19. The margin of error was +/- 2.19 per cent, with a 95 per cent confidence level. 

A similar poll conducted in February, showed Uhuru Kenyatta at 48 percent and Raila Odinga at 28 per cent. 

The survey is likely to leave Raila and his advisers pondering their strategy at a time when he has been going flat out to remove Uhuru.

Yesterday, the three opposition captains held a mammoth rally in Nairobi's Mathare estate and assailed Jubilee as a failed regime.

Their next stop is Mombasa for a grand rally at the Tononoka Grounds on Sunday to undo possible damage caused by Uhuru and his Jubilee brigade two weeks ago.