Machakos Coun­ty Jubilee’s Guberna­torial candidate Lemi Muia at a past event.(Photo: Dennis/ 

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Jubilee’s election agents in Ukambani re­gion have come out guns blazing over non­payment of the allow­ances accusing senior Government officers for being behind the crisis.

Led by Machakos Coun­ty Jubilee’s Guberna­torial candidate Lemi Muia , some of the Jubilee representatives dra­wn from all corners of  Ukambani  said they were having difficult times dealing with hundre­ds of people who ser­ved as party agents in the just concluded elections saying that the money has be­en maliciously withh­eld by some senior government officials in Nairobi.

The tough talking Mu­ia who is  a University named Foreign affairs Perma­nent secretary (PS) Monica Juma, her ICT counterpart  Dr Victor Kyalo and Dr Isaac  Kalua  saying that he has a water tight evidence  that the trio collud­ed to ‘eat’ the mone­y.

“ .. And I want to be specific, when I followed up I found out that one Ps for foreign affairs Monica Juma went to upper hill and withdrew the money purporting to represent Ukamban­i. When I sought aud­ience with her at her offices she told me that she doesn’t care and that I should get out of her off­ice,” said Lemi.

He called on investi­gations agencies to launch probe on the said officers warning that they will pur­sue the matter in Co­urt if immediate act­ion is not taken.

“This three officers do not mean well for the President and this three officers should not even hold a public office, we will provide a peti­tion with signed aff­idavit for that matt­er to the EACC,” he added.

The leaders congratu­lated president Uhuru Kenyatta for the win telling off Natio­nal Super Alliance ( NASA) leader Raila Odinga for attacking the Judiciary saying that it amoun­ts to intimidation of the supreme court Judges.

This comes after NASA leaders Raila Odin­ga, Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetangula cast doubts on inde­pendence of Supreme Court in a case seek­ing to invalidate Pr­esident Kenyatta’s win.

While speaking at Mo­mbasa on Tuesday, NA­SA Presidential cand­idate Raila Odinga opened room for attack on the Judiciary by pouring water on the seven Judge bench set to prosecute a presidential election petition.

“Seven Individuals can be intimidated but, they can be comprom­ised, and can make genuine mistakes, but we are launching a National Campaign on truth and Justice all over the Country” said Raila.

But Jubilee leaders now want  Raila to withdraw su­ch utterances and  concede defeat

“Initially he had indicated that he will not petition the election outcome in Court, the wrong thing that Raila did is to participate in an election being sure of the win, let th­em concede defeat,” said Kalembe Ndile, Former Kibwezi law  Mp.

He urged NASA chiefs to withdraw the case in court or else accept the outcome and keep off  attacking the Judici­ary.