There are many people who graduate every year from different higher learning institutions but end up being jobless. They don’t know that they can have an alternative to unemployment. Below are the things you can do while waiting to get employed;
Freelance writing
If you are good in words, you can make good money through the internet. All you need is to identify the sites like “HIVISASA” that offer online writing of jobs and send a proposal to work with them. You will start making money from the comfort of your home if you have a laptop and if you don’t, you can go to cyberspace and write from there.
Private home tutor
This a kind of job that any graduate can handle and it the best way that can earn somebody money. There are some parents who look for individuals to give their children some extra tuition. Instead of being idle and dreaming of a job, you can approach them for help.
Starting a business
There are a number of businesses that need very little capital like selling of mitumba clothes and fruits and their returns are very good. You can even start an online clothes shop specializing in second-hand clothes.
House cleaning
Many people see house cleaning jobs and washing clothes to belong to people who are not educated but that is not the case. You can involve yourself in these kinds of jobs and earn good money. For men, if you can not manage these jobs, you can try gardening services.