President Uhuru Kenyatta supporters from the Mt Kenya region are free agents who can vote for anyone they wish for in the 2022 race for State House, Rongai MP Raymond Moi has said.

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The MP said that Deputy President William Ruto allies should stop demanding support from the Mt Kenya region as it will vote for someone who will bring development to them.

“I hear people saying that Kikuyus have someone’s debt, there is nothing like that,” Moi said.

The son of retired president Daniel arap Moi, and brother to Baringo Senator Gideon Moi, said Ruto should not expect any support from the region.

“2022 vote for someone who will ensure peace and development,” he said.

The elder brother to Gideon was speaking during his home coming party in Rongai, Nakuru. He also said when 2022 comes, he will support his brother Gideon Moi for the top seat.

“Mzee Moi said Kanu will rule for one hundred years. Uhuru will finish his and then Gideon Moi takes over,” he said.

President Uhuru Kenyatta entered into a political pact with his deputy William Ruto in 2013 when they first run as a pair.

Insiders said the pact outlines that Ruto will support Uhuru for 10 years.

When he retires, Uhuru will then reciprocate the support by having Ruto replace him for the top seat.

In drawing this pact, the two leaders peg it on the Kikuyu and Kalenjin numerical strength.There have been suspicions on whether Kikuyus, who are Kenyatta’s supporters, will return the favour.

The Kikuyus are accused of having notoriously voted for ‘their own’ when it becomes to the presidency.

President Kenyatta has however been categorical that he will back his deputy in 2022.

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