Mwangi Wa Iria Muranga county.[photo|]

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Muranga residents prepared earlier to participate their right by 5am.Despite the harsh weather conditions this morning, Governor Mwangi Wa Iria is flying around to pressurize the turnout.

According to the star, At the Murang’a town social hall polling station, voters lined up from about 5 am and voting began on a high note.There was heavy rain the county this morning but the residents expressed their confidence to defend Jubilee stronghold county since the governor Mwangi wa Iria has asked voters to vote early so they can find those yet to and their reasons.

"If you see a chopper and you have not voted, know it is a reminder for you to exercise your constitutional right," Governor said.

He also added that the choppers are also the part of Tujuane kwa kituo programme which enables to discover 76000 voters who did not vote on August 8th polls.

Muranga county under the governance of Mwangi wa Iria the other day offered free transport in aid of support to October 26th voters to reach their respective polling areas on time.He stated that Uhuru Kenyatta president of Kenya will smash almost all the turnout today.