[Wajir Woman Representative Fatuma Gedi. She is set to roll-out a new programme to empower youth in the county.] (phito: www.kulanpost.co.ke]In a move to reduce the growing unemployment in Wajir County, the county's woman representative Fatuma Gedi is expected to-roll out countywide youth empowerment program.According to Gedi, the five-year program dubbed 'Vijana Mambo Yote' would help the youth become independent of themselves.The young people will receive training and funds to start their own businesses as well as scholarships for advanced vocational training through the program.“This will significantly reduce unemployment and over reliance on office jobs,” Gedi said.The youthful legislator noted that funding for the youths will be in all the six constituencies.“I am a youth myself and I understand what they want and how they want it. My decision to come up with this program was largely influenced by what I came across in the campaign trail," she noted.“When elections are over and victory certain, leaders tend to work with not-so youthful individuals and contractors while forgetting that the real people who yearn for empowerment and attention are the youths,” Gedi added.The MP further noted she will lobby her counterparts in the National Assembly to increase the youth empowerment funds.

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