Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati with football fans in Sudi stadium of Bukembe East ward, Kanduyi constituency, January 1, 2018. [Photo|BGC Press Unit]Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati joined football fans in Sudi stadium of Bukembe East ward, Kanduyi constituency for a football tournament final match, sponsored by MCAs from Kanduyi constituency.Before trophy awards that accompanied cash prizes, Governor Wangamati told the football fans from the five wards of Kanduyi constituency that his government was going to take part in sponsoring the games."In this years budget, we didn't have funds for games, but in my next budget we will have a budget specifically for sports," he said.He added: "We shall renovate our stadiums, beginning with Kanduyi stadium come next financial year."He was accompanied by the area MP Athanas Wafula Wamunyinyi among leaders.

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