We all love our food. And we may be consuming chicken to get our necessary dose of protein, we ought to be careful about what we are putting on our plates. And a group involved in animal activism warns us against possible pumped up fat.
Compassion in the World Farming, recently released a video, explaining ‘white stripping’. It is a muscular disease in chicken that affects their breasts. Yeah, you might want to stop eating your favorite steak. The disorder results in the appearance of white strips, running parallel to the regular chicken tissues. According to research, the disease may end up elevating the fat levels to as much as 224%, lowering the protein content. Another study confirmed the influence of disease-causing fat pumping and protein decrease.
So look closely, the next time you go to buy chicken. You can observe it running parallel to the normal tissues. And it is increasing as time goes by. The researchers believe it simply has to do with the eating trends, a case of demand and supply. More demand, more supply. The quality inevitably suffers, as the farmer is forced to meet the increasing demand by producing more chicken in lesser time.
On the brighter side, the disease only affects a limited part, we can all choose to avoid. It is still considered a healthy eating option, a rich source of vitamin B complex and iron. If only not used breaded or deep-fried. For safer chicken consumption, make sure to buy one with ‘No Anti-Biotic’ label. Other precautions include proper cooking and storage. Store at appropriate temperatures and avoid contaminating other foods while cooking. Defrost in a separate bowl and drain the water without allowing any contact with other utensils or food. With careful buying and cooking techniques, you can get your required amount of protein, without being at the risk of building fat or rising cholesterol levels in your body.