Dramas in rental plots never seize. There is this design that exits in flats where cloth lines and waste water outlets are set at the balcony right above each other. 

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In this sense, the floor above will drip its waste and laundry water on the cloth lines below.

This well understood, some people are so ignorant and hectic to live with.

As hard as it is to do your white laundry, after cleaning their floors using a rag (duster) they will hang the rag right above your cloth line, dripping dirty water on your clean clothes.

They will assuming that it doesn't hurt. Furthermore, will pour their waste cleaning water through the outlets which drain directly on your clothes.

No matter how natural it seems to be to use common sense, these type of tenants will assume all is well and spend their time doing their chores as your clothes dry in stains.

With the chronic shortage of space to cater for all our day to day activity, it never gets to a level where you hang your dripping blankets and duvet right above your neighbors' dry clothes.

How hard is it to respect your tenants? Does it require a manual book to guide you on how yo live?

If you are this type of people, all eyes on you! Style up!
