Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company has been cautioned against polluting River Athi by discharging raw sewer into the waters.

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Youths who ark a living through entertaining tourists by diving at Fourteen Falls said the firm had been discharging sewerage,chemicals, among materials thereby contaminating the river.

According to the youths, the number of tourists visiting the falls had declined since a lot of sewerage had been discharged into the river.

They spoke to this writer at the Fourteen Falls in Machakos County on Thursday.

“The sewerage released into the river has made water to turn green resulting to a foul smell, dead fish float on the water too,” Peter Mwangi said.

Another youth Muli Mutuku said cattle and other livestock had refused drinking water from the river due to the contamination.

“Livestock refuse to drink water due to the bad smell caused by sewerage, the water firm should stop releasing sewage to the river,” Mutuku said.

(Caption: Sewage discharged into a river turning the water green. Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company has been asked to stop polluting River Athi by discharging sewage to contaminate water. Photo/Dennis Chacha.)

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