Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital. [Photo/Standard]   

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Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital has been hit with water shortage. 

According to patients who requested for anonymity, they have not been able to drink water, bath or flush toilets since last week due to lack of water.

The patients said the hospital management has been purchasing water from vendors which are used for cleaning only.

“Water being purchased from vendors we have been advised not to consume it because the vendors bring from streams. There is no water for even doctors and nurses to wash their hands after treating us. We are unable to flush toilets whenever we respond to nature because the water taps have gone dry,” said one of the patients.

He said patients are now fear an outbreak of diseases if the situation continues. 

“Kisii County government led by Governor James Ongwae should move with speed and ensure water is supplied to the hospital using water bowsers to help patients get water for consumption because some of the drugs we are given must be taken with water which is not available,” he added. 

A security guard who spoke in confidence also said the hand washing section that was launched by Kenya Revenue Authority a few days ago is not functioning due to lack of water at the facility.