When you travel about 20 kilometres west of Eldoret town, you will eventually find yourself at Koromosho waterfalls. It is breathtaking as the water pours down the 70 meters cliff that separates a flat land from the rocky escarpment.
Looking down from the cliff, it is a very cold, chilling and awful experience and if anybody accidentally slides into the beneath, it is death. However, the old people from the Nandi community used to commit suicide at the waterfall.
In an interview with a local daily, Korir who is the resident in the area and a tour guide said the old people who had lost hope in life would assemble there and jump into the fall to die.
"The old persons would gather here, hold hands and sing their last songs before jumping into the escarpment and die because they never wanted to be a burden to their families as the aged," said Korir.
According to Barno, the life expectancy those days was high and men who had given up everything to the community would voluntarily go in a group and commit suicide.
"The old people would come here, perform some rituals before holding hands together as they jump down the cliff. Their bodies would be carried away by water," said Barno, the village elder.
The ritual is said to have been performed many years ago. The residents believe this ritual has been translated to modern day mercy killing.