Locals of Kisii now say they are tired of being in the opposition and want Cord to take them into government come 2017.
They claim for many years they have been in opposition and have not seen the reason why Cord should not lead them to power.
They said also want to be in control of national resources.
“If Raila does not guarantee us the presidency in 2017 then there is no need of being in Cord anymore. We are tired of being in the opposition with promises of taking us to Canaan that has never yield," said David Otini.
They claim they have not benefited at all by being in the opposition citing that their leaders are not doing enough to fulfill their promises.
“I think Cord lacks a proper strategy. We have been patient with them for so long each time promising us the presidency. Cord is very popular and we fail to understand why they fail us to get to power yet we offer them our full support,” said Helen Onyonka.
They claim they have done a lot for the party.
"We have hit the road, some of us even lost our lives when fighting for our rights as a party the latest case being anti-IEBC demos something that Cord should ensure was not in vain," added Onyonka.