It is all about finding the right woman. Over the past man has wondered how does the right woman behave or look like? Here is the breakdown of at least what to expect from a right woman. Remember the word is RIGHT not a GOOD woman.

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This is some of the things that men will want in a woman;


This doesn’t necessarily mean what you look like but everything to do with who you are. Character will show how the woman's mental and moral qualities are.


This answers the question how the woman presents herself which talks more about her. A woman who can’t respect herself cannot respect her man. Truthfully men do not want someone who is everywhere, doing everything, with everyone.


Men are very physical human beings. Everything for men elevates with touch by nature they are drawn to it. Every man wants to be touched, be grabbed by hand, be hugged and asked how the day was. This evokes a feeling of being wanted. This strengthens the connection and makes the men feel comfortable.


Naturally humble people focus their energies outward. When searching for a life partner this becomes very attractive to a man. Humble women will do everything that brings peace and protection to them


Men look for a woman who can plan a life with her man. Men do not like having every decision alone, they need a visionary one who sees beyond today. Determine woman seem more committed