Gold diggers are driven by different reasons. [Photo/] Gold diggers are able to forge personal relationship to get what they want. It is often not a haphazard occurrence. It is mostly meticulously planned to achieve anything and everything they desire. Gold diggers are driven by different reasons. 

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Poverty is one reason that drives people to get into relationships for money. At times people are in terrible situations that they can't sufficiently feed, clothe and shelter themselves. Personal respect thus fades in relation to provision. Gold digging proves 'easier' than the hardships. A taste for more than one earns can drive one to eye a man or woman with a fat bank account. No one hates a lavish lifestyle. It is attractive, fun and addictive. Some are simply just lazy to work and those who work don't make as much as they would want to. Some people are driven by greed. It is possible to have such insatiable greed that whatever you have could never be enough. That's why you see rich people seeking richer people to mooch off them. Most of the time it's a sort of addiction for more and better. The one with 5 cars seeks the one with 10, the one who has a boat seeks the one with the bigger boat.