A section of residents from Eldoret town, the capital of Uasin Gishu county have given their thoughts to the Governor of Mombasa Hassan Joho after he met with Baringo Senator Gideon Moi.

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The KANU party leader and Governor Joho met on Thursday in Mombasa where they agreed to work closely by uniting the country by embracing the building bridges initiative.

According to the two, they will reach out to other leaders from across the political divide to boost the journey started by the opposition chief Raila Amolo Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta to heal wounds occasioned by divisive elections in the country.

They further promised to work together in ensuring a united and cohesive country.

The meeting has however elicited mixed reactions across the country with some political pundits saying it might be a 2022 game plan.

Senator Moi is widely expected to vie for the country's top seat while Joho has on several occasions indicated his ambitions for the State House job as well.

With the possibility of  Moi-Joho partnership in 2022, locals in Uasin Gishu, the Deputy President's backyard had a piece of advice to the Mombasa 'Sultan'.

Here are some of the bits of advice;

Paul Birech a resident from Turbo constituency expressed his sympathy after the two met.

"Hustler nation all the way, I wish Joho knew that Gideon Moi had no votes in the Rift Valley. Joho needs to rethink and stay away from him," said Birech.

"You and your political mentor must first seek the blessings of the current professor of politics Hon William Ruto because Gideon Moi is another project from the royal family and you will be wasting your time if you worked together," noted Patrick Kimutai, a resident from Kapseret constituency.

Similar sentiments were shared by residents of Eldoret urging Governor Joho to stay away from Senator Moi.

However, not all locals were against the collaboration, with some lauding the meeting between them.

"Everyone wants collaboration with you Governor Joho, build bridges together with Moi and if all goes well you might be the man to watch in 2022," said Mercy Tuwei.

Ngiroyez Kiptoo promised his vote to Governor Joho saying "You have my vote brother let the Deputy president William Ruto join the opposition side and be the opposition leader."