Youth relaxing at the park. Photo/

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Its bound to be one of the most confusing age in your lifetime.Some things are happening so fast while others are not going at the right pace.Here are some reminders to keep in mind when your at this age.

Its normal to feel lost.A mix up of feelings could leave you feeling lost.Its perfectly normal to feel this way because everyone does at some point in their life.You might have no clue what you are doing and the aim of it but its not bound to last,you will soon be out of their.

Someone is going to love you again and you will love again.You have probably gone through your first heartbreak at this point.You are not the problem neither is the other person because not everything is meant to last.Look at it from the positive side as God taking away that which is not good for you and paving way for the best.

You need to be working on your dreams right now.You are set out to achieve great things so focus on your life and work on achieving your dreams.Whether you are in school or out,get a side hustle to help you make a step towards achieving that.

You are not perfect,no one is.Imagine if you had everything figured out right now and about your future,it would make life boring.Constraints in life make your life more interesting and challenge you to become better.

CAPTION' youth at a park