Former Kisumu Central MP Ken Obura is among the August 8 poll losers who were given a political lifeline after being handed a newly-created Chief Administrative Secretary in the Ministry of East Africa Community in President Uhuru Kenyatta's cabinet.

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Obura, a former ODM party rebel, lost his seat to Fred Ouda, the man who edged him during nominations. But is his appointment to government giving him any hope to mount the much-needed comeback in future?

Well, on one side, Obura has opportunity to make a swift return into the political arena because his new job is more of a political appointment. He can use it for political mileage as it will keep him political relevant for the next five years going into the 2022 poll.

Secondly, his unrivaled development record during his time as  Kisumu CBD lawmaker, gives him mileage.

However, his greatest ' curse' and challenge is to shed that ' Jubilee mole' tag which has been haunting him since 2014.

His appointment to Jubilee government might further cause him more damage than good.The region is loyal to NASA leader Raila Odinga and the ODM party.

So where does this leave Obura? Should he consider rejoining the Orange party when the 2022 elections draw closer? If not, will he pull a surprise and win back his seat on a Jubilee Party ticket? Well, an interesting political journey to 2022 has just started. And as always, it leaves behind many causalities.

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